
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Captain, Skipper, and 1st Mate

This past weekend J, Banana and I took a 3 day sailing 101 course.  We have been discussing getting a sailboat as a activity we could do as a family.  J loves boating so it would be a great hobby for him but he was pretty adamant that I take this class along with him so I know how to operate the boat in case there is an emergency.  At first it sounded horrible to have to find someone for the daycare and be away from Carrot for 3 days but I admit it was pretty fun and a memorable time with Banana.  I also like to give J a hard time :) 

The details actually worked out smoother than I could have ever imagined.  The week of the lessons 2 of my daycare kids were on vacation and Sarah had not been given her date to leave for her Disney cruise line job yet so she was able to come substitute for the daycare which only was Carrot and one other 5 year old girl for Friday.  Then she took Carrot home with her for the weekend and she was entertained by her Aunt Paige, Sarah and Meaghan (Big shout out thanks to all you you).

Day 1 we went on the boat and discussed all the parts of the boat and all got to practice tacking the boat back and forth.

Day 2 we were discussed the proper way to sail using the different points of sail, tacking and a little jibing while the wind was low.

Day 3 we practiced the figure 8 man-over-board technique which made me a little nervous.  It was one thing to practice using a floating device as the item you needed to "save" but thinking of having to sail away from your child in order to turn around was another.  We also learned to dock the boat on a mooring and then after we sailed to a local restaurant for lunch we took a 100 question test.

The test was not too hard but a little different than I expected.  Many of the diagrams where backwards from our practice book and Banana looked completely lost when he first started the test.  My mommy heart wanted to so rush over and explain it all to him but I knew I couldn't.  There were times I was trying to concentrate on my questions and he looked so confused and my heart just broke.  I had to press on and get out of the room and let him do it on his own.....and he sure enough did.  He passed with a 91%.  I was so proud of him.  There was so much to learn and some of the questions were were pretty tricky.  

It was a fun experience and I am glad we did it....and Yes, J -  I am glad you made me study ahead of time.  I might not be able to say that out loud but I can at least blog it :)

Day 1

Day 2 J and Banana look much happier LOL

J probably wondering which boat he would like 

Can you believe I know that the metal thing Banana is touching is called

Banana at the helm

When else can you sport some pigtails when you are in your 30s

Captain Larry

Lunch break

Monday, July 30, 2012

Day at the park

Some days you just have to go to the park.  Last week we had one of those rare July days that had low humidity and deep blue skys.  I had intended to just stay around the house all day since I was so behind on so many things but you just have to take advantage - Carpe Diem. 

 These are the days that make me so thankful I took the plunge to start a daycare and am not stuck in my office building anymore.  You know the set up - rows of cubicles, no windows, electric lights.  

We packed a lunch and headed for the park by the water...I just couldn't resist.  At first I thought we would got to the close park just down the road but the beautiful day left me wanting to go to the park on the river and that is just what we did.

Me and Banana

 Carrots "monkey face"

Giving little sis a push

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Down at the fair

The best part of my job - FIELD TRIPS!!!!  It was also pretty awesome that I had some daycare kids on vacation this week so I only had two kids other than my own to take.  It was very very hot but still fun and a day out of the house.

The girls felt pretty sure that these two cows were "in love"!

Enjoying a show put on by out lovely library ladies!!!!

Eat more Chicken

Monday, July 16, 2012


We just got back from a wonderful camping trip.  It was so relaxing and fun this year.  We decided to ditch the tent and rent the new cottages they just built.....great idea.  I am thinking I am to old or lazy to tent camp for a whole week anymore.  The weather was perfect and we spent the first 3 days canoeing, biking, swimming, playing board games and just overall enjoying doing whatever we wanted.  


The treasures you can find on your canoe ride

View from our cottage porch

Having some lunch

Sitting at our little cottage looking at the lake

Two happy fed campers

So happy our super fun Sarah could join us

Could be the last time I get them to nap together

Playing by the lake

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My little firecracker!!!!!

Happy Birthday to my little boy
July 4,  2002

Few days old

5 years old

10 years old

It was such a hot summer in July of 2002.  My in-laws had just opened their pool and I was really looking forward to swimming and cooling off at the 4th of July cookout, but my baby had other ideas....

At 4:45 I woke and knew something was different.  I was sort of in a daze since it was so early and my due date wasn't for another 3 weeks so I climbed back in bed and then it sort of came to me what was happening.  I hopped out of bed and called the doctor and told him I thought my water might have broke.  He was also sleepy and said "oh your due date is 3 weeks away call me later after you see how you are feeling".  Before he hung up I ask him if my water would continue to leak or if it would be one big gush and it would be over.  I think then he came to as well and said, " better come to the hospital if you water broke we are going to want to get you delivered today".

J had stayed up late playing video games and was a little hard to wake up.  I was not packed yet and didn't have the car seat in the car, but I threw some stuff into a bag and off we went.  The ride to the hospital was fine and even in the waiting room things were good.  The woman behind the desk as me if I needed a wheel chair to get up to my room.  I was feeling fine so declined but just a short time later when they came to get us I realized I might not be able to walk LOL so I requested the wheel chair.

Things progressed and I was given the pitocin to speed things up since my water had already broke and I requested the epidural.....THAT IS WHEN IT ALL WENT CRAZY. 

J passed out while they were giving me the needle and they ended up taking him to the ER.  I was left all alone for hours :)  Finally my dad came to the hospital but sine he was not on the delivery room list they would not let him up so he headed to the ER with J.  A bit later my sister came and it was nice to have some company.  

J was finally released from the ER and joined us.  The doctor said things were moving along nicely and said he thought the baby would be here by dinner.....I kindly pointed out to him that I ate dinner at 5:00 so that is the time I was counting on.....boy I was hungry.  I kept thinking about how I was suppose to be swimming and eating potato salad and BBQ chicken.  I would never have traded my little boy for a meal but when you are hungry and they won't let you eat all day it is hard not to think about.

Sure enough my little boy was born at 5:13p.m.  6lbs. 15oz. and 20 inches long.

I am truly blessed for the little boy God gave to me.

My sweet boy you have been nothing but a joy to raise.  I treasure your easy going personality and your love for life.  I am so proud to be your mom and can't wait to see what God has planned for your life.